Bästa samtalen ur Queer as folk!!

Slå igång eran perversa humor sida innan ni läser detta så kanske ni kommer tycka att det är lika rolit som jag gör x'D

He stole all my clothes. I'm suspecting gay-on-gay crime here.
Lindsay: It wouldn't surprise me. You've had more visitors than Disney World.
Michael: Have you ever been on a date?
Brian: One. I ended up f**king the waiter.

Michael dejtar en kille som har HIV hans kompisar försöker förklara vilken risk det är!
Ted: It's like playing with fire! I mean, what if a condom breaks? Or he's flossing his teeth and his gums bleed    
Brian: Or he shoots off his load and you're bending over to tie your shoe and it accidentally flies up your ass.

"Unless I'm f**king you, it is none of your business." -- Brian

En snybbe har nyss stängt ner the backroom på killarnas favorit klubb
Justin: This sucks.
Brian: And not in a positive, life-affirming way.

Gale Harold också känd för Brian Kinney blandade ihop sin replik och sa detta.
"They sit around all day talking about cigarres and smoking pussy"


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